Premonitory Play

Charles Mattson, on right, tied to a telephone pole while playing "G-men" with another boy. According to the Tacoma Times, FBI men were Charles' heroes and he and his friends often played "kidnap" where Charles doubled as the victim and the G-man. Later, in December of 1936 at the age of ten, Charles Mattson was…
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Can You Mail a Turkey?

On December 22, 1937, Tacoma Postmaster George P. Fishburne (right) personally helped unload a truck stuffed with bags of Christmas mail. The feet sticking out of the sack he is holding with his right hand indicate that someone in Tacoma was receiving their Christmas turkey by first class mail. Hopefully it hadn't traveled too far…
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Holy Hosiery!

Nine women, some wearing Civil Defense armbands, posed in December of 1942 with a huge pile of old silk and nylon stockings donated to the national hosiery recycling drive. Pictured left to right are Myrtle Gehri, Amelia Havens, Norma Armstrong, Edna Rutherford, Marguerite Valle, June Althuser, Sara Cram, Selma Carlson and Hulda Ramser. The drive…
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Season of Giving

On December 14, 1944, Red Cross volunteers could barely be seen behind the mountain of wrapped Christmas gifts destined for military patients at the Madigan General and McChord Field Station Hospitals. Pierce and Thurston County chapters of the Red Cross coordinated the gift program. Surveys were conducted to find out what the servicemen wanted most…
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