How are your New Year’s resolutions going?

See if this sounds familiar. New Year rolls around and you get excited to make changes. Doesn’t matter what they are. Eat better. Exercise more. Spend less. Save more. Read more. Watch TV less. Get organized. And the list goes on.

First week of January you’re all pumped up. This time, this year, it’s gonna be different. By week three, your enthusiasm has started to fade. I mean, who wants to get up at 4:30 AM to exercise when it’s cold and dark and your bed is warm and comfortable?

Maybe it’s time to rethink your strategy. Here are some books to give you a hand:

Change your Brain, Change your Life Before 25 by Jesse J. Payne

Shed your Stuff, Change your Life: A Four-step Guide to Getting Unstuck by Julie Morgenstern

Your Playlist Can Change your Life : 10 Proven Ways Your Favorite Music Can Revolutionize Your Health, Memory, Organization, Alertness and More by Galina Mindlin

The Change your Life Challenge : Step-by-Step Solutions for Finding Balance, Creating Contentment, Getting Organized and Building the Life You Want by Brook Noel

Change your Thoughts, Change your Life : Living the Wisdom of the Tao by Wayne W. Dyer

Change your Mind and your Life Will Follow : 12 Simple Principles by Karen Casey

Change your Clothes, Change your Life : Because You Can’t Go Naked by George Brescia