- Black Womxn Deserve Rest – Wellness/Rest….these are things every human needs, collectively and in our own individualized ways in order to simply live. Peoples boundaries for their wellness need to be respected. This design is dedicated to Black Womxn. Recent reactions to black womxn like Venus, Naomi, Sha’Carri and now Simone (among many others) who’ve voiced out their boundaries and needs for wellness has ranged from encouraging to deeply concerning. Regardless of your position on the issue here are a couple of questions to consider: Do black womxn (like all human beings) have autonomy over their bodies and their wellness needs? If so, what is the purpose of criticizing their health choices? Are we collectively addicted to hustle culture and “the show must go on” mentality? Do we value entertainment over human wellbeing? Are athletes human? If so, are they also (like all of us) inherently worthy of rest, good health, love, play, understanding etc? Including and moving beyond self-care. How can we better support (not criticize) black womxn’s, and each other’s need for wellness especially in light of our shared humanity, and the harshness of this global pandemic?
- (Swimming In Seas of Chaos) – Sometimes it’s really grounding to just observe the natural world. To just observe what is. And to learn from it. Today I’m thinking about turtles and how calming they are.
- (No judgement. No advice. Just observation). Starting again. And again. And again. This has been the story of so many of us (myself included) pre, during, and post the events of 2020. People have had to start again in so many ways and not limited to relationships (with self + others), career choices, how we see/use money, our views of the world, our identities, food choices, health habits, living situations, ideas of what is, what has been, and what could be, political views, spiritual choices, the ways we connect/disconnect etc. What if starting again and again and again might actually be part the flow of things? This post is dedicated to and inspired by those of us who’ve had to start again….. and again…. and again …all while facing the unknown.
- Inspired by my partner Jordan. I wonder how our world and especially our politics would be different if we took more time to contemplate the idea that we all (each and every one of us) is experiencing life, the world, and the universe in vivid and complex ways ….at the same time? There’s beauty/wonder in both our individuality AND in our collectivity as humans. There’s need for both, and an emphasis on one doesn’t negate the existence and need for the other.