Get Help From a Youth Services Librarian

Ask A Librarian

No question is too small! Librarians are here to help. Whether you’re looking for a new book to read, need suggestions for a reluctant reader, need help finding a specific AR level, or doing a research project, our Youth Services Librarians are still here to help while our buildings are closed.

Youth Services Librarians are able to put together customized reading recommendation lists, teach you how to use online databases, and more. Call, email, chat, or request a visit and you’ll be directed to someone who is eager to help you!

Call us: Contacting us by phone is the fastest way to get help. Library staff are ready to take your phone inquiries about library services, local information, and more. Staff are available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at our main line, (253) 280-2800.

Email us: If your query is not urgent and you can wait two to three days for a response, feel free to email us. Send an email through our Contact Us form for help with your account, or to send a question or comment. You can also email us directly at, opens a new window.

Chat: Use the Ask a Librarian chat, opens a new window or email, opens a new window virtual reference service to ask questions online that are not specific to your account at Tacoma Public Library. This service is staffed by Tacoma Public Library and other library systems in Washington State.

Request a Visit: Want a librarian to visit your class? Fill out this form to request a virtual visit! Virtual visits can include storytimes, research help, database tutorials, STEM projects, and more. Librarians are also available to speak for staff development days, or school family nights.