Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. The group was a mixed gathering of readers; some loved the book, some didn't love it but were glad they read it, some were scratching their heads as to what it was all about, and some were still working their way through it.
When asked what they would miss most, if they managed to survive something similarly catastrophic to the Georgian Flu of the novel, the group’s answers were varied. Some immediately responded with, “other people, community”. More tangible items were also mentioned: books, air-conditioning, and good coffee. And finally one participant who was shocked at the darkness and depravity even 20 years on from the collapse of society, said she would miss sanity, just that sense of people being good to each other.
If you enjoy reading and discussing books, Tacoma Public Library hosts three book discussions each month, at Kobetich Branch, Moore Branch, and Wheelock Branch. Find out more by following this link to the Tacoma Public Library Book Club page.