Enthusiastic storytellers mix the latest science on aging, striking anecdotes and mature reflections in these non-fiction titles from Tacoma Library. Coasting through your aging process? Look here for varied, engaging arguments on why getting active will help you embrace your certain end with wisdom, acceptance and peace.
What Makes Olga Run?
An exhilarating book on longevity that combines the latest studies on aging with the stories a couch potato (the author) and nonagenarian athlete Olga Kotelko, who took up track and field when she was 77 and keeps running strong.
Keep Moving
The author shares his elixir of youth: embrace the moment, unleash your inner child, and seek advice and insights from youthful friends living with enthusiasm, whatever the calendar says.
Old Age
The author speaks frankly about how his physical capacities have diminished due to Parkinson ’s disease while being wryly realistic about coping with illness and terminal prospect facing us all.
Swimming in the Sink
Cox vividly shares her struggle to recover physical and emotional health after the onset of heart disease. Cox's narrative is straightforward and intimate; she never succumbs to self-pity.
Life Reimagined
Getting old is inevitable; despairing as we age is a choice. Hagerty mixes anecdotes and facts to tell a fascinating story. Coasting through middle age? This book will shake you up!