StoryLab's name has changed to Digital Media Labs
StoryLab has undergone a name change in 2016 to Digital Media Labs. This change better reflects the actual services offered in this facility, located at the Main Branch of Tacoma Public Library. As before, we offer digital media production tools to help young artists create their own music, videos and graphic art/photography productions as we have since our inception in 2011.
Our Mobile Digital Media Lab equipment is fully portable, enabling a variety of workshops and classes to be held at any of our 8 library branches. It includes 6 laptop computers, 8 digital camcorders and a variety of still cameras, including Nikon and Canon DSLR models.
Best of all, our equipment and support services are now available to users of all ages! Drop by our Main Branch at 1102 Tacoma Avenue on the first floor of the building, to your left beyond the check-out desk and find out all that’s new at your Digital Media Lab today.